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  1. › Name

    Sakshi Verma.

  2. › From

    New Delhi.

  3. › Institute

    Indian Institute of Management - Kozhikode.

  4. › Course you are pursuing


  5. › Languages you know

    English, Hindi.

  6. › My long term career goals are

    Want to be in a top leadership role of a leading consulting firm.

  7. › My most prized possession ?

    A book called ‘Ramcharitramanas’ gifted by my Mathematics teacher in 12th standard

  8. › Hobbies

    Reading, Painting.

  9. › I can support other students in their careers aspirations in the following ways

    Giving them constructive feedback, giving them antidotes from my own life which might help them understand the nuances, coaching.

  10. › I am inspired by

    Sincere people and people with empathy and basic decency in life.

  11. › A recent book/music album/movie that I found interesting

    Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Devakaruni.

  12. › Favourite qoute/ saying

    Let downs will get you and the critics will test you, but the strong will survive, another scar may bless you.

  13. › I am put off by

    Lack of decency and intolerance in people.

  14. › If I have to describe myself in 3 words, I would choose these words

    Sincere, Tolerant and Patient.

  15. › I think these are the 3 biggest difficulties students face in pursuing their career aspirations

    Lack of self confidence, lack of support and lack of resources.

  16. › If I could change 3 things in the world, I would change these

    Inquality, inequity, low level of tolerance.