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  1. › Name

    Nakul Juneja.

  2. › From


  3. › Institute

    National Institute of Fashion Technology.

  4. › Course you are pursuing


  5. › Languages you know


  6. › My long term career goals are

     I want to run my own buying house once I have enough experience and confidence.

  7. › My most prized possessions ?

    I was named school sports captain and school head boy in class 11 and 12 respectively. Also, I have won numerous medals in swimming and football during my school as well as college days which I cherish a lot.

  8. › Hobbies

    I am a sports person, I am good at football, swimming and table tennis. I also like to travel a lot.

  9. › I can support other students in their careers aspirations in the following ways

    I can motivate other students in a positive way.

    I can help other students if they have some confusions.

  10. › I am inspired by

    My parents, especially my father. They have always motivated me to do whatever I have wished for and never stopped me for going after my dreams. My father’s dedication towards his work and his perspective towards life in general has been a great impact on me.

  11. › A recent book/music album/movie that I found interesting

    I watched a TV series “Suits” and it really appealed to me. It is about a hotshot corporate lawyer solving problems with the utmost ease and gravitas. I liked the style and confidence of the protagonist.

  12. › Favourite qoute/ saying.

    “It’s easy to have principles when you are rich, the important thing is to have principles when you are not”

  13. “If you can change your mindset towards the positive, you can unlock the trapped reservoir of potential within you”

  14. › I am put off by

    When someone is not respectful of the other person/me, especially someone below their pay grade.

  15. › If I have to describe myself in 3 words, I would choose these words

    Tenacious, Leader, Smart working.

  16. › I think these are the 3 biggest difficulties students face in pursuing their career aspirations

    Lack of proper mentorship among students is also a challenge in finding the best suitable career.

    Financial responsibilities, sometimes students take a job they are not interested in just because of good pay.

    Lack of opportunity.

  17. › If I could change 3 things in the world, I would change these

    Have everyone clean up the environment and reduce the pollution we are causing.

    Stop fights among all the countries and ensure world peace.

    I would also like to eradicate homelessness because everyone is entitled to a decent living arrangement.