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  1. › Name

    Sagarika Chadawar.

  2. › From


  3. › Institute

    MIT WPU, Pune.

  4. › Course you are pursuing


  5. › Languages you know


  6. › My long term career goals are

    I want explore as much as I can in life  and go one mastering one skill at the time, once I think I have done good in it, I will pick up a new one as an addon to my skillset. I don’t want to limit my potential by just running after one thing.

  7. › My most prized possessions ?

    I was elected as the student of the year in my high school over where everyone voted from teaching to non- teaching staff too and I won that election by 100% which was a big thing for me and to add to it after that, my co-ordinator went up to my parent and said that she would want her daughter to be like me when she grows up and I don’t think anything else can ever surpass that title in life.

  8. › Hobbies

    I am a creative soul, so I have a penchant for anything that ignites my creativity. To keep the zeal in my life going, I enjoy art, dancing, singing, writing, gardening and I also strongly believe that a fit body is a home to a healthy mind and hence I am also into fitness.

  9. › I can support other students in their careers aspirations in the following ways

    We have something so learn from every single person out there and I think that I have learnt something in college which might be different from some other student, so I want to pass on my learnings and experience of college life to them.

  10. › I am inspired by:

    Muki, he is someone who has left a great impact on my life. He runs a company called as Pepper Square in Bangalore. I have learned and I have so much more to learn from him. I think my perspective on life was enhanced 100 times more after I met him for the first time. He has inspired me to do more and better in life.

  11. › A recent book/music album/movie that I found interesting

    Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari has always been my go-to book, it talks about humans, human evolution and the essence of being human. It is a must read for everyone out there as it makes you question things and puts your mind into motion.

  12. › Favourite qoute/ saying.

    Art is how we decorate space.
    Music is how we decorate time.

  13. › I am put off by

    For me lying is the strike, people should own up to their actions as they did it consciously.

  14. › If I have to describe myself in 3 words, I would choose these words

    Bubbly, Leader and Positive.

  15. › I think these are the 3 biggest difficulties students face in pursuing their career aspirations

    Is not getting the right or proper mentor, college is a stage where we are getting ready to step in the next phase of our lives and if we get a proper umbrella to stand under, we can do wonders.

  16. Not getting informed or aware about the resources around them.

  17. Lastly is to not fall into peer pressure, it makes you do things which you don’t want to do but have to do to fit in or you think you need to do it to fit it, which is a corrosive mindset.

  18. › If I could change 3 things in the world, I would change these

    Apply the rule of live and let live, people need to learn to coexist and respect others choices and opinions, even if they might not be same as theirs. Bring back humanity, day by day we are forgetting what makes us human. I would love to establish peace between everyone.