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Write To Us


  1. › Name

    Raveendranatha Pai j.

  2. › From

    Kochi, Kerala.

  3. › Institute

    Symbiosis College Of Arts and commerce.

  4. › Course you are pursuing


  5. › Languages you know


  6. › My long term career goals are

    To join the Indian Foreign Service.

  7. › My most prized possessions ?

    My Curiosity and my Determination, which keeps me going.

  8. › Hobbies

    playing drums, quizzing, reading.

  9. › I can support other students in their careers aspirations in the following ways

    finding/ creating opportunities that stimulate learning and exploring, through various events and interactions.

  10. › I am inspired by

    A great work environment, conversations that lead to learning, Miyamoto Musashi, Thom Yorke, Friedrich Nietzsche, Nikola Tesla.

  11. › A recent book/music album/movie that I found interesting

    Incendies by Denis Villeneuve.

  12. › Favourite qoute/ saying.

    “Go to the Limits of Your Longing”: “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. / Just keep going. No feeling is final.”
    - Rainer Maria Rilke.

  13. › I am put off by

    Things/situations/events that disrupt peace and demotivate an individual.

  14. › If I have to describe myself in 3 words, I would choose these words

    Diplomatic, Curious, Intuitive.

  15. › I think these are the 3 biggest difficulties students face in pursuing their career aspirations

    The Pandemic.
    Lack of right career guidance and access to opportunities .
    Stereotypical Standards.

  16. › If I could change 3 things in the world, I would change these

    In a world channelled by constant change, I would learn and teach to cope up with it. The only constant is change.