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Write To Us


  1. › Name

    Derek James.

  2. › From


  3. › Institute

    IIM Sirmaur.

  4. › Course you are pursuing


  5. › Languages you know


  6. › My long term career goals are

    I would like to work at a level where through my actions, I would be able to make the world a better place to live in.

  7. › My most prized possessions ?

    My most prized possession is my confidence, which is always able to lift me out of tough situations.

  8. › Hobbies

    I love playing football and listening to random music on youtube.

  9. › I can support other students in their careers aspirations in the following ways

    Being an MBA student and having gone through the tedious process of whether to opt for higher studies or not, I could help other students with their doubts and fears by telling them what I thought of, while I was making my decision.

  10. › I am inspired by:

    I am inspired by the thousands of people all over the world who are in terrible situations with either their personal or financial lives but still don't give up and keep going strong.

  11. › A recent book/music album/movie that I found interesting

    The butter fly effect which talks about how the tiniest decisions can have an incredible effect on how the future turns out to be.

  12. › Favourite qoute/ saying.

    When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

  13. › I am put off by

    I absolutely hate when people who have the opportunity to be kind do not take this opportunity simply because it would inconvenience them.

  14. › If I have to describe myself in 3 words, I would choose these words

    Hard working, Kind and a Leader.

  15. › I think these are the 3 biggest difficulties students face in pursuing their career aspirations

    Not finding out what their passion is.

    Financial difficulties.

    Office politics.

  16. › If I could change 3 things in the world, I would change these

    Education and learning in colleges to be far cheaper.

    Basic human amenities for everyone in the world.

    Eradicate depression.